看一看12星座明年应该注意什么健康问题吧! 这可以在 30 Dec 的我报找到哦。。
白羊座:整体健康会比 2010 年更好,不过仍要注意别操劳过度,同时也不能忽视慢性疾病。
双子座:整体健康运较差。多数健康问题是压力导致。同时欲望也减低许多。性爱魅力变弱。(why of a sudden talk bout 性爱???? =.='' )
Sometimes, we feel that life is being unfair to us, and feel like giving up.
We then release that frustration without thinking..
Don't do it! For it will lead us nowhere.Instead, use our brains and learn how to live life.
Be calm, quiet, tranquil. Bloom as often as you can.Stay close to your family.
Explore the world around you.
Enjoy the relaxing rhythm of waves.
Watch the moon rise.
Spread your wings and take off on your own.
Then enjoy the comfort of coming home again. (:

is realli surprised and overjoyed to be invited.
it realli is such a honour to receive the invitation.
but dont know why, there is just some uneasiness..
how? :(

hello hello,
im here to save my dying blog.
rotting rotting!! mites all over, so came to spray some pesticides. (:
how is x'mas for everyone? hope u all had an enjoyable one, just like me!
i spent my whole x'mas 2010 in the SIS.

reached SIS ard 11am, and leave at ard 9.30pm. yea, almost whole day.
cheerleading? yepp, it should be the word. screamed and sang and danced whole day..
its tiring! but fun thou. met loads of new friends and had tonnes of joy, also rmbing the mission of bringing joy to others. i hope all audience had a great day as well!! (:

but somehow, i felt that we are higher than the audience =.='' nvm nvm, had fun can alr!! :D.
im starting to miss my x'mas!! >.<''
woo, i found one interesting application in fb, the my status in year 2010.
really meaningful cos it brought up many many memories and emotions at that point of time when i posted the status.
i like some of the status like:
10Dec - love is a bed of lovely roses, but hurtful once fallen for its charm.
26Nov - 我的关怀方式是你无法察觉的悲凉
7Nov - What's the point of digging out the truth when u know its gonna hurt revealed?
7Sep - the promise
2 Sep - life is only these once, lve it without regret.
18Jul - no man is worth ur tears but once u find one that is, he wont make u cry.
22May - dont wanna try, cos all we do is fight and say the things that hurt too bad to where we both begin to cry..
21May - 心痛
each status up there have a meaning, and sad and happy memories.
yes yes, the status sum up my life stories..

hello ewerybabae..
好中的鱼腥味 =.=''
Advanced Chem + PDD
Advanced Chem 5 题,我只会 1 题。
PDD 4 题, 我乱回答 3 题。
准备吃鸡蛋吧 (:
Love is a bed of lovely roses,
but hurtful once u fall for its charm..