今天是 CS 的 formal presentation.
这可是我们第一次在其他班里的 solo presentation 哦!超紧张。
佩仪的题目是 starbucks, 而我的是 hershey.
说老实话,其实我并没好好准备。我的 slides 都是昨晚弄的。嘻嘻。。
真的很累,因为我弄到四点才睡,而且七点又爬起床上学。穿 formal 已经够惨了,最闷的是还得 follow rules.
高跟鞋弄得我的脚好痛哦!我拼命的拿 plaster 贴脚。呵呵!最贴心的是我们的泰国朋友也给我 plaster. 很感动!
好,就让你们看看我们的丑照吧! 很难得哦!

i felt that im such a big baichi. xD yest eliza sent me a msg to inform tt we have to complete the micro quiz. this is how she typed the msg: 'Hey! The Micro test gt 2 attempts! Do SMS ur buddy! Kind soul SMS 02 and 03 peeps also if u have ther number! Joanne, can you send to your classmates thkq=)'. its rather weird larhh, is like 02 and 03 didn even take the module but still hv to do the quiz,and i doubled check that 02 and 03 have to do the quiz as well.. eliza tell me have to, so i gong gong go forward the msg to py, mh and zy. ended up, i realised that i misunderstood the msg le =.='' siannn... py was laughing me st for 10 min after she knew this.. =.='' shldnt have told her.. =.=
today had to go to sch for a trip to the navy open house to fulfill our NE requirements thou its elearning week. very reluctant to go at first, but enjoyed myself there, so not bad not bad..
actually the trip itself is rather boring de, but its the people ard us which made it lively! we went with the thai friends, done lots of things together, and took lots of pics. so funn! now at least i found out that they are so zi lian to the extent that they can take pics every now and then.. xD more zi lian than me.. (= but good larhh, take more pics and they served as a memory (=
shall upload the pics here one day, cos i havent got the pics with me now.. (=
its so long ever since i've done a project that made me so hopeless, made my heart sank so deep.