looks like i've missed all the fun time together with my classmates. they seemed to have enjoyed themselves so much, and i've missed everything, except their photos.meihui asked me: 'joanna, actually you can go de ah, why didnt go?'actually i wanted to join them badly, but there is just a certain reason that is a spoiler.sorry guys, sorry for being a spoiler (if i ever am..)hmm, maybe i am just thinking too high of myself? maybe all those who went dont even remember me?just ignore me, i am very attitude now cause i very sad over not going for the class outing.a few more minutes, and the tiger is hitting! (looking at huihua)wishing all a happy lao hu year (=there will be analysis for each zodiac sign every year, and this year, it says that the sheep will be going through a rather bad year. popularity is bad, health is bad, $ also bad, overall is bad, and at least there is one thing that is good, that is relationship. it says that 桃花 this year is strong, and singles will find a relationship worth continuing, and for those who is married, there is a great possibility of having a baby soon.. =.='' WTH!!kie i have to intro one song here.☆★☆ by SNSD.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6e7TakvWrc1, 2, 3, again 1, 2, 3
Stars, I'm going crazy
No matter how many times I look at you, I can't see you, oh baby
Because of the tears in my eyes, all because of you
My crying face that is reflecting above the spread letters, oh baby
I promised myself I wouldn't cry again, but I'm crying again
What do I do, I don't know what to do, what to do
This is me, I don't know why I'm going crazy like this
All because of you, really because of you
I can't do anything, I
Love you as much as the stars, stars, stars, stars
I came for you to find you, you're that far shining star
Stars, stars, stars, no matter what I say
I really can't express myself
I'm frustrated now, what should I do now
No matter how many times I count, I can't see the end, oh baby
Because of all the memories that are in my heart, I think of you again
I couldn't say everything I wanted to so I say them to myself, oh baby
I want you back, I want to go back to your side
I'm pleading to you, please, I'm pleading to you
To the sky, my prayer goes to the sky
Cheer me up, cheer me up
Please, where are you now
Stars, stars, stars, stars, talk to me
Is it over? Is that it? Answer me, don't just laugh
Stars, stars, stars, stars, I'm pleading to you
Just for once, my love
Let me fly to your side
Star, star, star, ooh baby, star, star, star, oh
I love you as much as the stars, stars, stars, stars
I came for you to find you, you're that far shining star
Stars, stars, stars, no matter what I say
I really can't express myself
I'm frustrated now, what should I do now
had our project 3 exhibition today..
was rather fun and enjoyable, but most importantly, we completed one project! (=
here are some photos taken today
contrast! one is so nicely decorated (sam's grp) and one is =.=
sam's group de decoration

afterall, i enjoyed myself today.. especially interaction with TSK.. (=
hope our product is a success, and hope that we will get high score (=