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goodbyes to 2009 and hello to 2010
dear diaryyear 2009 is ending soon.its sort of a tedious year as many things had went on in this year. its really a tedious year.. a lot. meeting loads of people who changed my life, and spending loads of money, and i felt that i've grown a little through these, hopefully?well, there aren't many things that i've done in this year.i only remembered doing loads and loads of projects and reports, all school works. moving, playing, all all sort of randoms..2010 is coming soon, and i have some new year resolutions:1) good health and absolute happiness of all individuals2) all ice creams to show keen improvements in their studies3) FREEDOM!4) world peacethe list is not exhaustive thou.. haahah! im greedy!hmm.. i wanna go countdown with him! but.. i just dont know if my mummy allow or not.. really hope that she allows. i really wished to go!goodbyes to 2009, and hello to 2010!