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new moon outing
today went out after school with our classmates to watch new moon. we caught the 1pm de, but mr tay.. -.-'' you all know lar harh..always like to 'hold us back' one.. so was kind of 'late' for the movie, but at least didnt miss the starting..bought nachos combo. the nachos was like -.-'' nt as good as last time i had them..but nvm (=jessie wasnt feeling very well today thou. take cares!woahh! had been waititng for the launch of this movie to S'pore for so long lah!! and now finally!!uh. i felt tt the characters in twilight looks better ehh haaha xD. and i prefer the edward cullen in the book rather than the one in the movie..hmm. there hasnt been really much appearance of jacob in the movie as compared to the book thou..but its ok! cos i like edward better. edward is so handsome xDoverall, the movie was nice(= but the book was nicer hahah.actually i was sitting beside zinc and peggy de, but dk why they changed my seat with wc, and i ended up sitting with sumi and jr. ahh! i know already. cos maybe is wc wanna sit with rf, tts why.. (=after the movie, actually we all planned to go for lunch cum high tea de, but peggy was in a rush to go for her piano lesson, so she and zinc left. i wanna follow them de, but they dont allow me to go. they wanted me to go lunch instead -.-'' am i such a light bulb to disturb the romance of the two of you? lol.. anw, i still had a chance to leave after they left haha. so i didnt go makan with the rest..overall, the trip was a pleasant one. had fun and enjoyed my day today =)hopes all enjoyed their day as well =D

Name: Joanna
Gender: Girl
Horoscope: Gemini baby
Age: 20 turning 21
Education: Graduated from NYP FS0802
R/S Status: Single but not available
Fav quote: Smile and the world is urs
Passionate aboutz:
Premium milk teas

new moon outing
today went out after school with our classmates to watch new moon. we caught the 1pm de, but mr tay.. -.-'' you all know lar harh..always like to 'hold us back' one.. so was kind of 'late' for the movie, but at least didnt miss the starting..bought nachos combo. the nachos was like -.-'' nt as good as last time i had them..but nvm (=jessie wasnt feeling very well today thou. take cares!woahh! had been waititng for the launch of this movie to S'pore for so long lah!! and now finally!!uh. i felt tt the characters in twilight looks better ehh haaha xD. and i prefer the edward cullen in the book rather than the one in the movie..hmm. there hasnt been really much appearance of jacob in the movie as compared to the book thou..but its ok! cos i like edward better. edward is so handsome xDoverall, the movie was nice(= but the book was nicer hahah.actually i was sitting beside zinc and peggy de, but dk why they changed my seat with wc, and i ended up sitting with sumi and jr. ahh! i know already. cos maybe is wc wanna sit with rf, tts why.. (=after the movie, actually we all planned to go for lunch cum high tea de, but peggy was in a rush to go for her piano lesson, so she and zinc left. i wanna follow them de, but they dont allow me to go. they wanted me to go lunch instead -.-'' am i such a light bulb to disturb the romance of the two of you? lol.. anw, i still had a chance to leave after they left haha. so i didnt go makan with the rest..overall, the trip was a pleasant one. had fun and enjoyed my day today =)hopes all enjoyed their day as well =D

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