arh!! havent been posting for a while cos im just soooooo damn busy with sch work, and many other things..
projects, reports, tutorials...projects, reports, tutorials, and still projects, reports and life just simply revolve ard these..
im just so damn exhausted arh!!
anw, heres some random pics hahaha xD.
sep and nov babies's bday celebration

our class photo..theres alot! but i only picked 2..


formal + a little fun (=
videoing the amtd project
my cute grand daughter. so cute~

its me wearing my grand daughter's big spects. hahaha xD
kenar bluff by ziying and peiyee de.. =.=
anw, jr, thanks uhs~
theres no nutri tut on mon, but i stayed back with wc, rf and grace, and we chit chat abit and gossip alot! xD.
*looking at grace, jessie and rf* xDD. X嫂s.. ^ ^
actually i didnt plan to stay back, but grace ask me sit down and chit-chat, i stay lor, and we stayed till like 6pm in south canteen just to wait for jr. we kept phoning him and he didnt pick up his phone -.-'' and finally when he picked up, he says he's nt done yet =.='' and maybe going home at 9pm.. woahh diao. nvm, just take it as a language exchange cum gossips session bah!
anw, this is one of the pics taken by me in the discussion rm..

caption is weichiang!!! xD.
theres still alot of pics, but i think upload the next time cos i need to rush my work now!!!
aja aja hwaiting!