Welcome to my blog. Before anything else please follow these rules: No ripping, spamming, and any type of childish acts.
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^ ^

hiim here just to crap abit on my life these days.29Dec08 (mon)the first day back to schoolis rather wierd cos loads of ppl is laughin when they saw me. is it because of ______________? hmm..i think i know the reason..first day of sch, and i can already feel the pressure pressing on me. projects, presentations, tutorials, reports..i seriously need more time to get stuffs completed. but so sad to know the fact tt each person have only 24hrs per day. can someone donate some time to me? so tt i'll have more time? like 25hrs?went to violin thou, no instructor, and we went home at ard 7.50pm.. (intend to do this next week as well)30Dec08 (tue)i dont really know the reason for being soooo extremely tired! wad has happened to me? i have nv felt so weak and exhausted before. no strength to walk also.hmm thou, went to popular with mummy and sister. then went for dinner at northpoint's ishi mura. wahaha! ate bento!! ^^ yummyyummyyummy....31Dec08 (wed)today is rather a short day. but i stayed in sch to surf the net. hmm and going to print some stuffs and hand up to the admin office. yeahhs.and surprising, 08 has came to an end. (coming soon)its rather a fast yr. and many many happened this yr. be it gd or bad, it shall be kept deep in my heart..
my new yr resolution:
1) be more nicer to everyone ard me
2) treasure everything
3) improvements in my studies
4) hmm..manage time
5) PEACE!!! :)
i shall stop here for now, and cya guys next yr..

hello everybody,heh heh..
yesterday went to somewhere i regreted..haiz..i realli regret!well, enjoy abit larhbut regret alot ehx! am i going to face up to my friends??haiz...没话说
dear diary,
its gonna be christmas'08 in just 1 day time!
im rather excited, yet not realli, cos i've gotten most of my xmas gifts. hahas. granny gave me something special this year. usually, she'd buy me a teddy bear or whatsoever..
she gave me a bottle of perfume this year. i ask her: do i smell? lols.
i think the most memorable gift i had for myself is that i've nv let go this friendship..
hope tt i've made the right choice.

圣诞节要到了!在这儿有个小小的心理测验。什么最能代表圣诞节-测你如何面对工作挫折圣诞节有许多象征性的事物, 你认为以下哪一种最能代表圣诞节?A. 烤鸡等圣诞大餐B. 圣诞礼物和卡片C. 圣诞树等装饰品D. 圣诞老人解答:A.遇到工作挫折时, 你会选择在麻醉中逃避工作的无力感, 不是大吃大喝, 就是去 PUB 买醉, 去 KTV, 寻求感官刺激的麻醉, 直到累坏了就倒头大睡B.在老板或同事那儿受气, 你会第一时间找好朋友倾诉, 对朋友或爱人大吐苦水, 发泄所有怒气后, 第二天又是一条好汉, 可以继续再打拼C.工作上一旦受到挫折, 爱面子的你会避免谈起, 即使有不识相的人问起, 面对别人关怀的眼神, 你仍会强颜微笑, 其实内心正在慢慢滴血, 一个人的时候, 则暗自伤心, 真是辛苦啊!D.你在工作上不顺心时, 会先生自己的气, 不过你又不是那种自怨自艾的人. 你会开始反省, 然后设法找上司谈, 或和有经验的朋友讨论, 一分析问题发生的原因, 再进行改善
我只能说我对生活很满意。我喜欢安安静静的生活, 不想出门。对不起,我不能接受你的好意。就算是简单的善意, 我也不懂得怎么面对。

sorry for not updating recently!
i have banned myself for the past few days from tv, games and even my favourite computer! and i have not touched my com for such a long time! okie i got touch but i didnt surf the net okay?
i am so surprised that i can actually be so guai..为了读书不玩。okie. i got study. just scan thro' haha
and yeahhs! hi-5 to all mann cos CTs is over!
the horoscope is quite true. it says that i might eat alot due to stress.. and yeahs, had been so stressed up over the CTs and i was actually eating all day long. from mon to wed i had eaten supper. hee. and now i think i had inflate abit hehe.. >.<
after my CT, i went home immediately and have my long long beauty sleep!! slept from 1.30 till 4! realli very tired cos the three days have been studying till 1, yet i can honestly say that i dont know how to do the papers. and for my most confident module, the paper turns out much difficult as i tot it would (though i had already spot wad cher is going to set, and it turns out somewhat the same)
i believe that i wont do well for the CT. haiz..nvm i have to jy for the exam if not i have to repeat another module! (and i will have to stay back for 1 yr!) *touch wood*

dear diary,i've locked my blog.
but i dont know if its good or bad.
im just trying it out for maybe a month or so to test it out.
one good thing: i can speak out my mindone bad thing: the person whom i scold will not know.
anw, went out together with regina today after school.
she gave me my presents and i gave her hers.
my presents are 2 bags and hers is only one small small ps! haha.had loads of fun today as we share abt our days in school,
the ppl in our class the ppl we like and we dont (its obvious tt ____o___ is the person im talking throughout the dislike session),
and our ex-classmates (jacinta, divya, yifan..and many many more).loads of memories.. haha.
she has grown thinner!
regina, we shall go out together often kays?
okie. she's going to japan tonite.and i will miss her!enjoy yourself.BON VOYAGE! =)

Name: Joanna
Gender: Girl
Horoscope: Gemini baby
Age: 20 turning 21
Education: Graduated from NYP FS0802
R/S Status: Single but not available
Fav quote: Smile and the world is urs
Passionate aboutz:
Premium milk teas

hiim here just to crap abit on my life these days.29Dec08 (mon)the first day back to schoolis rather wierd cos loads of ppl is laughin when they saw me. is it because of ______________? hmm..i think i know the reason..first day of sch, and i can already feel the pressure pressing on me. projects, presentations, tutorials, reports..i seriously need more time to get stuffs completed. but so sad to know the fact tt each person have only 24hrs per day. can someone donate some time to me? so tt i'll have more time? like 25hrs?went to violin thou, no instructor, and we went home at ard 7.50pm.. (intend to do this next week as well)30Dec08 (tue)i dont really know the reason for being soooo extremely tired! wad has happened to me? i have nv felt so weak and exhausted before. no strength to walk also.hmm thou, went to popular with mummy and sister. then went for dinner at northpoint's ishi mura. wahaha! ate bento!! ^^ yummyyummyyummy....31Dec08 (wed)today is rather a short day. but i stayed in sch to surf the net. hmm and going to print some stuffs and hand up to the admin office. yeahhs.and surprising, 08 has came to an end. (coming soon)its rather a fast yr. and many many happened this yr. be it gd or bad, it shall be kept deep in my heart..
my new yr resolution:
1) be more nicer to everyone ard me
2) treasure everything
3) improvements in my studies
4) hmm..manage time
5) PEACE!!! :)
i shall stop here for now, and cya guys next yr..

hello everybody,heh heh..
yesterday went to somewhere i regreted..haiz..i realli regret!well, enjoy abit larhbut regret alot ehx! am i going to face up to my friends??haiz...没话说
dear diary,
its gonna be christmas'08 in just 1 day time!
im rather excited, yet not realli, cos i've gotten most of my xmas gifts. hahas. granny gave me something special this year. usually, she'd buy me a teddy bear or whatsoever..
she gave me a bottle of perfume this year. i ask her: do i smell? lols.
i think the most memorable gift i had for myself is that i've nv let go this friendship..
hope tt i've made the right choice.

圣诞节要到了!在这儿有个小小的心理测验。什么最能代表圣诞节-测你如何面对工作挫折圣诞节有许多象征性的事物, 你认为以下哪一种最能代表圣诞节?A. 烤鸡等圣诞大餐B. 圣诞礼物和卡片C. 圣诞树等装饰品D. 圣诞老人解答:A.遇到工作挫折时, 你会选择在麻醉中逃避工作的无力感, 不是大吃大喝, 就是去 PUB 买醉, 去 KTV, 寻求感官刺激的麻醉, 直到累坏了就倒头大睡B.在老板或同事那儿受气, 你会第一时间找好朋友倾诉, 对朋友或爱人大吐苦水, 发泄所有怒气后, 第二天又是一条好汉, 可以继续再打拼C.工作上一旦受到挫折, 爱面子的你会避免谈起, 即使有不识相的人问起, 面对别人关怀的眼神, 你仍会强颜微笑, 其实内心正在慢慢滴血, 一个人的时候, 则暗自伤心, 真是辛苦啊!D.你在工作上不顺心时, 会先生自己的气, 不过你又不是那种自怨自艾的人. 你会开始反省, 然后设法找上司谈, 或和有经验的朋友讨论, 一分析问题发生的原因, 再进行改善
我只能说我对生活很满意。我喜欢安安静静的生活, 不想出门。对不起,我不能接受你的好意。就算是简单的善意, 我也不懂得怎么面对。

sorry for not updating recently!
i have banned myself for the past few days from tv, games and even my favourite computer! and i have not touched my com for such a long time! okie i got touch but i didnt surf the net okay?
i am so surprised that i can actually be so guai..为了读书不玩。okie. i got study. just scan thro' haha
and yeahhs! hi-5 to all mann cos CTs is over!
the horoscope is quite true. it says that i might eat alot due to stress.. and yeahs, had been so stressed up over the CTs and i was actually eating all day long. from mon to wed i had eaten supper. hee. and now i think i had inflate abit hehe.. >.<
after my CT, i went home immediately and have my long long beauty sleep!! slept from 1.30 till 4! realli very tired cos the three days have been studying till 1, yet i can honestly say that i dont know how to do the papers. and for my most confident module, the paper turns out much difficult as i tot it would (though i had already spot wad cher is going to set, and it turns out somewhat the same)
i believe that i wont do well for the CT. haiz..nvm i have to jy for the exam if not i have to repeat another module! (and i will have to stay back for 1 yr!) *touch wood*

dear diary,i've locked my blog.
but i dont know if its good or bad.
im just trying it out for maybe a month or so to test it out.
one good thing: i can speak out my mindone bad thing: the person whom i scold will not know.
anw, went out together with regina today after school.
she gave me my presents and i gave her hers.
my presents are 2 bags and hers is only one small small ps! haha.had loads of fun today as we share abt our days in school,
the ppl in our class the ppl we like and we dont (its obvious tt ____o___ is the person im talking throughout the dislike session),
and our ex-classmates (jacinta, divya, yifan..and many many more).loads of memories.. haha.
she has grown thinner!
regina, we shall go out together often kays?
okie. she's going to japan tonite.and i will miss her!enjoy yourself.BON VOYAGE! =)

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