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mon:today was like a day to zheng ppl. on the way to school, i planning to lie to peiyee that i just woke up. in the end, before i msg her, she msg me hha! mo qi siah!!~peiyee: eh laopo you reaching alrdy?me: huh? i tot lesson starts at 9 today? (laughing like mad)peiyee: huh? no! today starts at 8 larhx! so you still at home arhx?me: yarh. cheh! i tot i wake up so early today liaos..(still laughing)peiyee: so you intend to pon math arh?(then i forget if i got reply not hha)hha! so fun siah! hehehe. then i reach atrium, they just walk a few steps. then dunno why tt hu pei yi turn back then saw me. siannz.. hha! then i was prankin zinc tt today lesson start at 9. she was like quite bek chek. hha!me: eh girl you know today lesson starts at 9 nort?zinc: huh?! realli? why?me: how would i know? they say wann..(laughing and showing peiyee)she didnt reply me cos she reach liaos. hha!!!!157 very high today. kept singing the 'only you' but change lyric to 'monday bluez'..she monday blue mehx? still so high? hha. peiyee and me plan to zheng 157 on mon and wed, zinc on tue and thur, and both on fri. hha! it'll nv be our turn to bei zheng kay? so you all can forget abt it larhs. hha!so sorry, i told zinc that weichiang say she look like chipmunk. then ask her wanna give him one-way ticket? then weichiang say no need, can save for others. zinc say its not a matter if he wants or not, is a matter of if i wan to give not. hha! weichiang you are DEAD! hha!doing pineapple tarts today again. this time round, we everything also measure. (but we very play cheat one) hha! we today fen gong he zuo till very gd. hope that every practise got improvements (:some ppl like the tarts we bake last week, some like this week's, are we supposed to choose? hha! headache!!!!wemt to violin with huihua and roufang san. then the teacher kept suan us. sianz... but overall the violin lesson yesterday is quite fun arhx. (: after the violin lesson, sat at the lvl 3 sports hall there see others practise their volleyball. wow i tell you they so great. almost watch till i forget the time nehx! lesson ends at 8.30, we 9.30 then leave the school. hha! then its home sweet home!~anyway, its a very fun day today with loads of prank.(zinc dont dare to wash tt particular dish)tue (today):today i was so guai at first in the math lesson. then later saw the 3 of them listening to music. then i also listen to music lorh. hha! dbsk's songs all sooo nice!first is strawberry girl influ peiyee. then peiyee influ zinc, zinc influ me, and now my turn to influ 157. hha! she abit kenar influ liaos. hha! she ask me to send her mirotic. ^^but we know this wont last long.we pon class again. ehx! total we pon how many class alrdy huhx? hha. i think 10 finger + 10 toes also cannot calculate siah! hha... (:toking abt dbsk throughout our convi. peiyee and me went hm to watch dbsk and zinc went to work hha! BLEAHS! 凶巴巴___老妖怪 hha!

Name: Joanna
Gender: Girl
Horoscope: Gemini baby
Age: 20 turning 21
Education: Graduated from NYP FS0802
R/S Status: Single but not available
Fav quote: Smile and the world is urs
Passionate aboutz:
Premium milk teas

mon:today was like a day to zheng ppl. on the way to school, i planning to lie to peiyee that i just woke up. in the end, before i msg her, she msg me hha! mo qi siah!!~peiyee: eh laopo you reaching alrdy?me: huh? i tot lesson starts at 9 today? (laughing like mad)peiyee: huh? no! today starts at 8 larhx! so you still at home arhx?me: yarh. cheh! i tot i wake up so early today liaos..(still laughing)peiyee: so you intend to pon math arh?(then i forget if i got reply not hha)hha! so fun siah! hehehe. then i reach atrium, they just walk a few steps. then dunno why tt hu pei yi turn back then saw me. siannz.. hha! then i was prankin zinc tt today lesson start at 9. she was like quite bek chek. hha!me: eh girl you know today lesson starts at 9 nort?zinc: huh?! realli? why?me: how would i know? they say wann..(laughing and showing peiyee)she didnt reply me cos she reach liaos. hha!!!!157 very high today. kept singing the 'only you' but change lyric to 'monday bluez'..she monday blue mehx? still so high? hha. peiyee and me plan to zheng 157 on mon and wed, zinc on tue and thur, and both on fri. hha! it'll nv be our turn to bei zheng kay? so you all can forget abt it larhs. hha!so sorry, i told zinc that weichiang say she look like chipmunk. then ask her wanna give him one-way ticket? then weichiang say no need, can save for others. zinc say its not a matter if he wants or not, is a matter of if i wan to give not. hha! weichiang you are DEAD! hha!doing pineapple tarts today again. this time round, we everything also measure. (but we very play cheat one) hha! we today fen gong he zuo till very gd. hope that every practise got improvements (:some ppl like the tarts we bake last week, some like this week's, are we supposed to choose? hha! headache!!!!wemt to violin with huihua and roufang san. then the teacher kept suan us. sianz... but overall the violin lesson yesterday is quite fun arhx. (: after the violin lesson, sat at the lvl 3 sports hall there see others practise their volleyball. wow i tell you they so great. almost watch till i forget the time nehx! lesson ends at 8.30, we 9.30 then leave the school. hha! then its home sweet home!~anyway, its a very fun day today with loads of prank.(zinc dont dare to wash tt particular dish)tue (today):today i was so guai at first in the math lesson. then later saw the 3 of them listening to music. then i also listen to music lorh. hha! dbsk's songs all sooo nice!first is strawberry girl influ peiyee. then peiyee influ zinc, zinc influ me, and now my turn to influ 157. hha! she abit kenar influ liaos. hha! she ask me to send her mirotic. ^^but we know this wont last long.we pon class again. ehx! total we pon how many class alrdy huhx? hha. i think 10 finger + 10 toes also cannot calculate siah! hha... (:toking abt dbsk throughout our convi. peiyee and me went hm to watch dbsk and zinc went to work hha! BLEAHS! 凶巴巴___老妖怪 hha!

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