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hey! today the school's internet connection is damn fast ahhs...maybe the school realise how bad they treat us last sem so 良心发现了..hahas..think too much lerhs.. seriously think wad i wanna post. tt time i am realli crapping, so you all can just ignore it. anyway, blogging is all abt crapping right? haha......yeah? so its alrite yarhs? haha..yeah..serious! if you wan to ignore it, by all means go ahead. i think the best is you ignore it lah huhs.. haha.. :)
okie..wad i wanna say today leah? yah...hey i realli feel tt 同人不同命 sis went to chomel to work as well, but everyone treat her so super good ahs..the girl who always diao me rite, kept smiling to her seah..then steve kept helping her do her work like totally opposite from me lahs! hey hello? is me introduce her in one eh..why she kenar treated so well? sianz!!!~
hmm..yesterday peiyee, xinyi and me stay back at mac to help strawberry girl to wrap her belated bday damn difficult to wrap the round round long long thingy ah! damn frustrated sia!!! haha...then i went hm to ask the expert. she say is damn easy, then she demo for me to see..its like -.-'' she wrap till very nice kaes? next time ask her wrap haha...
yupyupp..this morning the cell bio prac session..we are supposed to use the light microscope to observe the cell..then when observing the samonella, guess what? ahhui saw a very nice structure very nice bodies overlapping each other like tt de..then hor, the teacher says tt it is actually the bodies of an insect! it was lik so OMG! =.= looks like a roach. then we use the teacher's microscope and show the whole class the bodies of the roach. the structure of the roach..the body, the legs, etc many kaes? like at least 2? cell bio session=bio session. hahas..
think will be damn busy this weekend. have to go bugis and dunno whose hse this sat, and bedok this sun. but still havr to squeeze out time to go chinatown, little india and geylang this week. heyheyhey...what you all thinking huhs? go geylang is not tt things kaes? is go there research onli kaes? dont think sangac huhs..hahas!~
i am trying my best to write longer and longer day by day, becuz peiyee say i finally write so long the last post..haha..
yahs..gotta write report now..anyway, no time for me to write haha..onli a few min left, so LETS SLACK!! haha..
kaes..i remembered wrongly. the next lesson starts at 2. so i am going to do my report now. haha.
well, i have enjoyed myself today, at least until now.. :)

Name: Joanna
Gender: Girl
Horoscope: Gemini baby
Age: 20 turning 21
Education: Graduated from NYP FS0802
R/S Status: Single but not available
Fav quote: Smile and the world is urs
Passionate aboutz:
Premium milk teas

hey! today the school's internet connection is damn fast ahhs...maybe the school realise how bad they treat us last sem so 良心发现了..hahas..think too much lerhs.. seriously think wad i wanna post. tt time i am realli crapping, so you all can just ignore it. anyway, blogging is all abt crapping right? haha......yeah? so its alrite yarhs? haha..yeah..serious! if you wan to ignore it, by all means go ahead. i think the best is you ignore it lah huhs.. haha.. :)
okie..wad i wanna say today leah? yah...hey i realli feel tt 同人不同命 sis went to chomel to work as well, but everyone treat her so super good ahs..the girl who always diao me rite, kept smiling to her seah..then steve kept helping her do her work like totally opposite from me lahs! hey hello? is me introduce her in one eh..why she kenar treated so well? sianz!!!~
hmm..yesterday peiyee, xinyi and me stay back at mac to help strawberry girl to wrap her belated bday damn difficult to wrap the round round long long thingy ah! damn frustrated sia!!! haha...then i went hm to ask the expert. she say is damn easy, then she demo for me to see..its like -.-'' she wrap till very nice kaes? next time ask her wrap haha...
yupyupp..this morning the cell bio prac session..we are supposed to use the light microscope to observe the cell..then when observing the samonella, guess what? ahhui saw a very nice structure very nice bodies overlapping each other like tt de..then hor, the teacher says tt it is actually the bodies of an insect! it was lik so OMG! =.= looks like a roach. then we use the teacher's microscope and show the whole class the bodies of the roach. the structure of the roach..the body, the legs, etc many kaes? like at least 2? cell bio session=bio session. hahas..
think will be damn busy this weekend. have to go bugis and dunno whose hse this sat, and bedok this sun. but still havr to squeeze out time to go chinatown, little india and geylang this week. heyheyhey...what you all thinking huhs? go geylang is not tt things kaes? is go there research onli kaes? dont think sangac huhs..hahas!~
i am trying my best to write longer and longer day by day, becuz peiyee say i finally write so long the last post..haha..
yahs..gotta write report now..anyway, no time for me to write haha..onli a few min left, so LETS SLACK!! haha..
kaes..i remembered wrongly. the next lesson starts at 2. so i am going to do my report now. haha.
well, i have enjoyed myself today, at least until now.. :)

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