hmm.. whens my last blog post? 1 May? ok larhh not too long ago XP.
today is Vesak day!! :D. which means no work day again for me! ^^
realised that ever since working life commence, im looking forward to weekend and holiday everyday.
and why is mon so far from fri and fri so close to mon?! :(
weekend and holiday is when i can really rest. been sleeping my afternoon away for those weekend which i no need to go out.
love that feeling <3
my eyes are giving me problem again.. i cant stare at my computer for too long cos it will start to feel irritated and heavy and start to tear.
my headache is back again.
hate it.
i miss sch life, seriously. thou i used to swear and curse about it.
but its the best moment ever in life.
i miss the past
i miss sch
i miss sch life
hate myself. *sulk*
i've grown and expanded outwards ALOT! i realli cant tahan my size now. look at the fats on me. they are tonnes omg! why cant i slim down!!
my face condition worsen. big pores and scars, plus uneven face tone and eye bag + panda eyes..
my hair also in a mess. dry and splitting ends, hair getting lesser and lesser..

so look at this and u understand my current size. i ate 8 mini PD chiffon in a day. darn too nice to stop popping them into my mouth.. so irresistible! hehehs..
and and drink tea launched their vinegar series.. tried cranberry and hazelnut milk tea the other day. NAISE!!
i look like old aunty now!!
what have i done to myself uhh gosh?

bought a copy home, and taeyeon and jessica is forever sooo pretty!! <3
i also want to be pretty!! =.=''
well well, anyone can teach me some beauty tips ma? LOL-ed.
started to listen to jazz songs recently.. its quite beautiful actually and smth weird is how jazz songs will make me feel like singing along, swaying my body or made me feel so in loved. LOL!! yea i know its shocking cos u all know i used to hate it. my taste changed, yes. LOL!!
so whats ur comment if i said i wanted to pursue my dream as a singer?