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^ ^

weekly post
hello peeps!aiyo lazy to change language to chinese todayso just gonna blog in english.for those chinese-lovers, imma so sry yupp?hmms..been busy busy busy formonday...tuesday...wednesday...preparing scales.thanks to mh for visiting on thur, if nt i doubt i can finish preparing the scales on time. (:thank thanks (: went to amk hub with mh and py after sch on thur cos mh wanna buy pressie for mx and another friend.i saw 2 very very cute and unique necklaces and bling bling and and very tempting!!but one is $25 and the other is $15.too ex alr so cannot buy, so must resist myself as i spent $5 on a ring this wk le. ):
i like this ring becos it consisted of my 3 fav colour, and of cos the STAR!!! =D.(how is my photography skill?hahaha.. dreamy dreamy de feel rite)i wanna buy a new cammy!!i want those cammy which can make the face smooth smooth de.or a professional cammy.but must save up cos gonna be ex bahh ):friday..i spent only $0.80 in sch today!! =D.$0.60 in the morning to buy milo, and $0.20 for lunch.$0.20 for lunch!! hahahaha xD.thanks to mr tay and ms sze for the treat (:i think yuyong and aijin de throat gonna tear apart alr.mac on thurmac on fri (somemore macspicy!)hahahha!!haleluya!hahahaha xDthis wk is funn funn funnn!cos its singing and more singing tgt. (:xixixi.. miss kbox-ing tgt dears!!there is smth tt made my friday nt as perfect.its just regarding the 10th anni dinner.which i felt very very heartache and seriously my heart sank when i heard what i've heard.everything's just too late, so nth much to say alr.just to inform u guys (for those who still following this blog) tt im nt going for both the dinner and the sorry.

Name: Joanna
Gender: Girl
Horoscope: Gemini baby
Age: 20 turning 21
Education: Graduated from NYP FS0802
R/S Status: Single but not available
Fav quote: Smile and the world is urs
Passionate aboutz:
Premium milk teas

weekly post
hello peeps!aiyo lazy to change language to chinese todayso just gonna blog in english.for those chinese-lovers, imma so sry yupp?hmms..been busy busy busy formonday...tuesday...wednesday...preparing scales.thanks to mh for visiting on thur, if nt i doubt i can finish preparing the scales on time. (:thank thanks (: went to amk hub with mh and py after sch on thur cos mh wanna buy pressie for mx and another friend.i saw 2 very very cute and unique necklaces and bling bling and and very tempting!!but one is $25 and the other is $15.too ex alr so cannot buy, so must resist myself as i spent $5 on a ring this wk le. ):
i like this ring becos it consisted of my 3 fav colour, and of cos the STAR!!! =D.(how is my photography skill?hahaha.. dreamy dreamy de feel rite)i wanna buy a new cammy!!i want those cammy which can make the face smooth smooth de.or a professional cammy.but must save up cos gonna be ex bahh ):friday..i spent only $0.80 in sch today!! =D.$0.60 in the morning to buy milo, and $0.20 for lunch.$0.20 for lunch!! hahahaha xD.thanks to mr tay and ms sze for the treat (:i think yuyong and aijin de throat gonna tear apart alr.mac on thurmac on fri (somemore macspicy!)hahahha!!haleluya!hahahaha xDthis wk is funn funn funnn!cos its singing and more singing tgt. (:xixixi.. miss kbox-ing tgt dears!!there is smth tt made my friday nt as perfect.its just regarding the 10th anni dinner.which i felt very very heartache and seriously my heart sank when i heard what i've heard.everything's just too late, so nth much to say alr.just to inform u guys (for those who still following this blog) tt im nt going for both the dinner and the sorry.

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