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27 march + friends.
okie okie fang fang, im here to blog le! =Dwoahh, its been like some time since i last blogged, and i didnt realise until fang reminded. LOL! sorry lah, been too busy with minesweeper and pool le.. xixixi.. =) i've got so many things to say, but what shall i start with first? hmm.
okie then, my result bah. i passed all modules, thou not so well done, but at least! i passed all, and im so happy bout it! =D so my dudes, thanks for worrying bout me, i am okay! =Dwent back to school on wed to pass up our grp's packaging to ms gan.tada~ our redone packaging! nice marhh? i like it alot =D
hmm. alrightz, my memory isnt too good, so shall just write on what happened today went out with my fish and yz.i went to cut my hair, again. =.='' yea, its not so long since i just last cutted it (think is somewhere after packaging paper?) and yea, i cut it again today.. kinda like my new hairstyle, but abit heartache leahhs! but its ok, hair will grow long sooner or later. ='(after that, went to shop the bugis street. i was so dumb to be tricked by my yz!! =.='' he today dk eat wrong which medicine, again and again must di siao me! nvm, i shall get my revenge someday on someone else! muahahaha!its quite late already after we finished shopping, but then yz and fish wanna go meet their friend, so we followed along. and we ended up in the pub. woooo~ its like, my first time in pub lea!! =D but then saw alot of ... there. *cough* you know what i meant.. and its very obvious that my mom and sis dont enjoy themselves. okok larhh, i enjoyed abit by singing to some songs which includes gee, sorry sorry, and 勇气. but i forget to sing 雨爱!T.T nvm.
i stll owe grace her k-box session. actually alot larhhs, grace, gina, mua.. i shall sing 雨爱 the next time, and maybe i can try run devil run.. you better run run run run run.. xixixi..anw, hey siti and sumi, i heard tt song again! remember our song? =Dso set off from pub back to home at around sleepy now, tomorrow still have to wake up early, and go for my religion's meeting. i have to share my testimonial too.. abit scary..shall update on my testimonial again the next time, cos its kinda late le! 2.53am le.. =.=zzzim starting to miss my friends already. just touching on some, so read on to see if u are mentioned? hehe. im sry if i missed u out larhh.. just drop me a msg in the tagboard and i will mention bout u the next time! =Dliling, hopes everything is going well for you, do take care and rest well, get well soon! we all miss you!mh, hopes you are enjoying ur crazy time at ur IAP, and u are doing well there.. dont be over crazy lea, later kenar report to ur teacher-in-charge *winks*py, hopes you earn loads loads $. rest well, dont tire urself.. only left us to chat with each other le ='(zinc, you mia already, but nvm, i understand. just hope you are still coping well with both ur work. dont overwork urself too much lea, must take care of urself! $ is impt, but health more impt lea! and got any prob must share with us, and hope tt u passed all modules too.siti, hope u are alright now.. do share with me any prob. and.. move on..grace, jy for ur IAP, and hopes de***** is of good help to u larhx.. enjoy urself k? lets minesweep again! =D my minesweep genes wanna exercise le larhx!huihua! dont so stress over ur IAP k? think positive is v impt. i know u dont want to hear all these, but haiyo, i also dont wish to go into old grandma story, makes me so old liddat, but just think positive k? cheer up nehx..someone, hopes ur sore troat gets better. take care of yourself, drink more water! get well soon.. hope u are enjoying ur chalet.miss you guys!i felt rather empty when i knew that i will be alone this weekend..

Name: Joanna
Gender: Girl
Horoscope: Gemini baby
Age: 20 turning 21
Education: Graduated from NYP FS0802
R/S Status: Single but not available
Fav quote: Smile and the world is urs
Passionate aboutz:
Premium milk teas

27 march + friends.
okie okie fang fang, im here to blog le! =Dwoahh, its been like some time since i last blogged, and i didnt realise until fang reminded. LOL! sorry lah, been too busy with minesweeper and pool le.. xixixi.. =) i've got so many things to say, but what shall i start with first? hmm.
okie then, my result bah. i passed all modules, thou not so well done, but at least! i passed all, and im so happy bout it! =D so my dudes, thanks for worrying bout me, i am okay! =Dwent back to school on wed to pass up our grp's packaging to ms gan.tada~ our redone packaging! nice marhh? i like it alot =D
hmm. alrightz, my memory isnt too good, so shall just write on what happened today went out with my fish and yz.i went to cut my hair, again. =.='' yea, its not so long since i just last cutted it (think is somewhere after packaging paper?) and yea, i cut it again today.. kinda like my new hairstyle, but abit heartache leahhs! but its ok, hair will grow long sooner or later. ='(after that, went to shop the bugis street. i was so dumb to be tricked by my yz!! =.='' he today dk eat wrong which medicine, again and again must di siao me! nvm, i shall get my revenge someday on someone else! muahahaha!its quite late already after we finished shopping, but then yz and fish wanna go meet their friend, so we followed along. and we ended up in the pub. woooo~ its like, my first time in pub lea!! =D but then saw alot of ... there. *cough* you know what i meant.. and its very obvious that my mom and sis dont enjoy themselves. okok larhh, i enjoyed abit by singing to some songs which includes gee, sorry sorry, and 勇气. but i forget to sing 雨爱!T.T nvm.
i stll owe grace her k-box session. actually alot larhhs, grace, gina, mua.. i shall sing 雨爱 the next time, and maybe i can try run devil run.. you better run run run run run.. xixixi..anw, hey siti and sumi, i heard tt song again! remember our song? =Dso set off from pub back to home at around sleepy now, tomorrow still have to wake up early, and go for my religion's meeting. i have to share my testimonial too.. abit scary..shall update on my testimonial again the next time, cos its kinda late le! 2.53am le.. =.=zzzim starting to miss my friends already. just touching on some, so read on to see if u are mentioned? hehe. im sry if i missed u out larhh.. just drop me a msg in the tagboard and i will mention bout u the next time! =Dliling, hopes everything is going well for you, do take care and rest well, get well soon! we all miss you!mh, hopes you are enjoying ur crazy time at ur IAP, and u are doing well there.. dont be over crazy lea, later kenar report to ur teacher-in-charge *winks*py, hopes you earn loads loads $. rest well, dont tire urself.. only left us to chat with each other le ='(zinc, you mia already, but nvm, i understand. just hope you are still coping well with both ur work. dont overwork urself too much lea, must take care of urself! $ is impt, but health more impt lea! and got any prob must share with us, and hope tt u passed all modules too.siti, hope u are alright now.. do share with me any prob. and.. move on..grace, jy for ur IAP, and hopes de***** is of good help to u larhx.. enjoy urself k? lets minesweep again! =D my minesweep genes wanna exercise le larhx!huihua! dont so stress over ur IAP k? think positive is v impt. i know u dont want to hear all these, but haiyo, i also dont wish to go into old grandma story, makes me so old liddat, but just think positive k? cheer up nehx..someone, hopes ur sore troat gets better. take care of yourself, drink more water! get well soon.. hope u are enjoying ur chalet.miss you guys!i felt rather empty when i knew that i will be alone this weekend..

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