Welcome to my blog. Before anything else please follow these rules: No ripping, spamming, and any type of childish acts.
Respect is a must.. Enjoy your stay and have fun!
^ ^

cheer up everyone : )
i felt tt im realli suay tis wk..
i broke 2 shoes!
especially 心痛 cos one of dem is my & onli one..& i wore it for onli 4 times i think..
so 心痛 lahs!
tt wed reg called mii & told mii tt..
i was realli sad hearin u cry
i didnt know wad tuu do
i onli know how tuu say nvm cheer up & jy..
i realli dunno how tuu 安慰 her..
i felt tt im such a useless person..
we went back tuu tt sch tt wed tuu collect our Olvl cert & SGC..
didnt know tt its so claa lahs!
we went tuu visit de cds too..
ms zhu..haha she changed alot sia..
she askin wad CCAs we in..i hepled reg tuu ans & reg helped mii tuu ans hahas just like im reg & reg is mii..
i suddenly blurt out:"朱老师,你瘦了leahs!"
then out of my expectation, she twisss.....-.-
realli unexpected los!
so shocked!
yesterday was not feelin realli well..
like de whole person wanna collapse le..
havin a little fever..
but im feeling better today..^^
playin dj max de whole of yesterday in de bus on de way tuu & fro..hahas
im improvin le worhs..
tt time de first time i play den i break 60 over but yesterday i didnt break..
& i start increasin my speed lerhs! X5!!!
im gettin later & later tuu sch..
dont 夸mii so earli nehx...
see lahs see lahs!!
im a regular late comer liaos..
i got back my results yesterday, but i onli see it tis mornin..
not out of my expectation lahs
cos i didnt study
heres my result..(cannot tell u all wad module..if realli wan tuu know den lemmi know..den i see again larhx hees..)
1D or D+
1C or C+
very bad rites?
i will work harder for de exam de...
here is my wish-list for de day/mth/yr..?
1) learn de dance asap
2) come up wif de whole dance ASAP
3) gd grades for exam(hopefully)
4) teach rrobot 舞娘 but hopefully she dont sprain herself..hey u say u wanna learn de..hees
5) more covered shoes!!!

Name: Joanna
Gender: Girl
Horoscope: Gemini baby
Age: 20 turning 21
Education: Graduated from NYP FS0802
R/S Status: Single but not available
Fav quote: Smile and the world is urs
Passionate aboutz:
Premium milk teas

cheer up everyone : )
i felt tt im realli suay tis wk..
i broke 2 shoes!
especially 心痛 cos one of dem is my & onli one..& i wore it for onli 4 times i think..
so 心痛 lahs!
tt wed reg called mii & told mii tt..
i was realli sad hearin u cry
i didnt know wad tuu do
i onli know how tuu say nvm cheer up & jy..
i realli dunno how tuu 安慰 her..
i felt tt im such a useless person..
we went back tuu tt sch tt wed tuu collect our Olvl cert & SGC..
didnt know tt its so claa lahs!
we went tuu visit de cds too..
ms zhu..haha she changed alot sia..
she askin wad CCAs we in..i hepled reg tuu ans & reg helped mii tuu ans hahas just like im reg & reg is mii..
i suddenly blurt out:"朱老师,你瘦了leahs!"
then out of my expectation, she twisss.....-.-
realli unexpected los!
so shocked!
yesterday was not feelin realli well..
like de whole person wanna collapse le..
havin a little fever..
but im feeling better today..^^
playin dj max de whole of yesterday in de bus on de way tuu & fro..hahas
im improvin le worhs..
tt time de first time i play den i break 60 over but yesterday i didnt break..
& i start increasin my speed lerhs! X5!!!
im gettin later & later tuu sch..
dont 夸mii so earli nehx...
see lahs see lahs!!
im a regular late comer liaos..
i got back my results yesterday, but i onli see it tis mornin..
not out of my expectation lahs
cos i didnt study
heres my result..(cannot tell u all wad module..if realli wan tuu know den lemmi know..den i see again larhx hees..)
1D or D+
1C or C+
very bad rites?
i will work harder for de exam de...
here is my wish-list for de day/mth/yr..?
1) learn de dance asap
2) come up wif de whole dance ASAP
3) gd grades for exam(hopefully)
4) teach rrobot 舞娘 but hopefully she dont sprain herself..hey u say u wanna learn de..hees
5) more covered shoes!!!

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